Monday, February 16, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Un nuevo año... A new year...

En estos 6 meses que no he escrito, han pasado muchas cosas, ni hace falta decir.
Pero todas aparentemente inconclusas y enlazadas a lo siguiente formando una cadena que sigue sin parar. Esa cadena de hechos ha estado alcanzando una mayor tension y movimiento en las ultimas 2 semanas del año, cada dia un eslabon nuevo. Ahora empieza el año nuevo y la cosa sigue igual, pero puedo ver que el final esta cerca y dejar esa tension. Asi que no voy a borrar lo del año pasado, ni hacer recuento, porque aunque haya que tirar el calendario y poner uno nuevo, no quiere decir que haya que hacerlo con la vida. Simplemente disfrutar.

Sentido alguno?
Un feliz calendario nuevo! digo año nuevo y a seguir luchando!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Esto no es cosa mía, pero si de mi gusto.

Short tales showed on Monster (Urasawa Naoki).

Cuentos aparecidos en Monster (Urasawa Naoki), todos ellos tienen doble moral algo que siempre me ha interesado.

El monstruo sin nombre.

El hombre de los ojos saltones. El hombre de la gran boca.

El dios de la Paz

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Short short shooooooooooooort comment

Just a post to add a sketch and to say that I had one of the most motivating conversations I ever had... with a real Shonen Sunday Manga Artist.

After a friendly conversation and his advice it made me feel that if I keep working hard I will get to where I REALLY want... just a few more steps to go!

Thanks a lot to all the people which just by talking to them, I get strengh to keep fighting!

This means... I have to start again from ZERO, but I am happy to know why.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

サムライ ジャック!!!Samurai Jack!!!

So after so long I decided to make some use of this blog apart from sharing "omoshiroi" pictures.

At the very beginning I didn't like Samurai Jack, but now I really like it and I feel bad 'cause the production was stopped before making an end...

Here is how I think it would have been the end of Haku, Samurai Jack's nemesis.
I've looked on the "jishou"(dictionary) for the meaning of Haku in japanese and one of the entries says:
吐く・Spit, Vomit, Throw up, Blow... I don't want to know why they used a name like that... It means also many other things.

Apart from that I'd like to show some other sketches for current projects.
Made directly with ink and brush.
絵筆でかくのは 気分がいいだね!
Pintar con pincel sienta muy bien!

Brush painting feels good?!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Engrasando esto que esta muy seco

Here are some sketches I did on the train and also to show that I'm still alive...

I have no excuse...

Sumimasen Didier sensei!

It would be really nice to see some comments on them, they were done just for the matter of fun, no other purpose.

La verdad que no me apetece hacer traducción... pero bueno, los hice en el tren durante mis largos viajes diarios.

Me gustaria ver comentarios, asi subo mas cosas que tengo por aqui.

Otro día pongo fotos del nuevo mundo y de las aventuras "Stibun".

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Want to practise your English vocabs? Do it helping!

Just try to see how many words you recognize on the following website.

For each word they give a 20 grains to someone... go on and read it on the website.


Praticad vuestro inglés ayudando a la gente. Por cada palabra que acertéis se donarán 20 granos de arroz.

Monday, February 11, 2008

To be Edited or not to be Edited

Tengo una pregunta para ver si alguien lee esto... / Got a doubt, for everyone who read this...
(¡responderán 3 personas como mucho!/I think 3 people will answer max!)
Aquí va/ Here we go:

If you have the chance to write a book, make a movie, or make a comic, for example,
would you prefer to have an editor to give you some feedback or just work without it free "without any" restriction?

Si tuvierais la oportunidad de escribir un libro, hacer una peli, o un comic, por ejemplo,
¿preferiríais tener un editor y recibir su reacción o trabajar directamente "sin ninguna" limitación?

You are free to give any kind of opinions about it, please!
Podeis decir lo que querais, ¡por favor!

More pictures from my collection./Más fotos de mi colección.

1.- It's just "cool", I think the designer worked doing T-shirts for Quiksilver or O'neill. It just missed, something like "Surfers only" or "No trespassing without a surfboard".
(if you look closer, you can see Mr Stick doing capoeira on the beach)

2.- Please click on the image to enlarge it, it deserves to be seen. This a prefect example of the advertisements and signs you can find in China, trying to re-educate people just with something like that!
And now analizing deeply the image. Mr. Stick squatting towards a plant... VERY BAD MR. STICK! VERY BAD! You shouldn't look at plants that close! You may get blind! That's the message I got from it.
3.- And last but not least... The last movie from Sergio Leone ever released!
Close your eyes and imagine the scene of the last showdown in this movie.
(Actually I don't want to think of it as one person it would be terrible to be Old, weak and pregnant at the same time, poor baby! But here in China you can get a seat if you are in that case)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Corn Flakes, ¿pórque son más caros que el resto?

Empezar un post de un blog diciendo que lo que va a continuación es una chorrada (para no ofender a nadie dire que es una nimiedad), es algo que la gente puede llamar:

y extremadamente
Sencillo ¿Y pórque la gente crea blogs? Porque quiere compartir esas cosas que la gente puede llamar chorradas pero que a esa persona que lo escribe puede no parecerlo. A continuacion la mia.

Estaba mirando los cereales en el super y descubrí que ahor
a los cereales que recuerdo más baratos y que más me gustaban, ¡estaban más caros que el resto! Más caros que los mismisimos Golden Graham, que creia que eran los más caros de la historia.

Si hablo de los Corn Flakes, y de la marca no hablo porque da igual, sea Hacendado o Kellog's eran muy caros... ¡¿Porqué?! (si alguien sabe la razón o los ve en algun supermercado que lo mire y que me diga que piensa)
Estos no son los cereales pero si son parecidos.
Este post esta completamente en español para demostrar que no se me ha olvidado hablar el idioma.
I will try to write in English on comming posts.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

My private Chinese art collection

1. The great China and the location of their Creativity

Where's your head at?

2. The following sign probably refers to the "single kid policy".
I reject explaining why!

(Chinese translation, "Mind your head", or maybe is related to the previous sign)

3. I just enjoy the literal translation of the following sign.

Carefully Slippery
I think these guys were reading it.

4. Last and not least, because I found it just at the beginning of the trip.
At an airport in China if you bring a weapon you should throw it into that box.

("Oh, I bought a gun recently and I am carrying it to the airport! I will throw it there!")

Well... some people did...

There's more! but I'll leave them for future posts.

Monday, October 15, 2007

A falta de color good are ferry pictures

A few weeks ago some people asked me for the autograph from the Yeti, but I couldn't...
Instead I managed to steal this drawing from his collection!

No pretendo ofender a ningún Yeti con esto, no quiero decir que no podáis escribir, es sólo que no podéis firmar autógrafos...

Now it is official!!!
Anyone can comment on this blog without any identification!
You only need to show the driving license to buy alcohol from this website.

Ready, set, go!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Not sure about posting this image...

This kind of stuff is not my style, but it's impressive in a way to see how can be exposed on the streets like something normal.

Just a general picture, better don't go in details.
I wonder what's going on through the minds of the people while preparing this...

Last but not least, to compensate with art. An illustration of my favourite HK artist.

The illustrator is called Stella So, everytime I see something I like in an exhibition it comes to be her art.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Un poquito de cultura China, que no le viene mal a nadie.

Sólo escribo para compartir esta bonita vista de una especie de castillo cerca de un lago, en Chengdu (creo que significa capital completa), capital de Sichuan.

Sichuan 四川(ésta es fácil, 4 ríos, pero es una abreviatura de "el curso de los cuatro rios y gargantas") es una provincia de China famosa por su comida picante. ¡La comida india es cosa de niños cuando se las ve con la de la capital de los pandas!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ice Chuculé! 冰巧克力!

I just want to share with the few people who visit this blog the picture I took recently from Wellcome (not welcome). It is the perfect example of how extended is the slang in HK.

It is not about the price or the name of the product is the description la!

I also want to propose a toast for having the first fans of my comics (not family or friends)
Yam bui杯!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Recurso estilístico de la negrita...

Hace unos días decidí tomar el gato tren para ir al cine y me encontre con mis viejos amigos de aspecto ratuno.
La verdad que no era el gato tren...
más bien la gata tren.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

¡Mi regalo de cumpleaños!

Todos los autores importantes de la editorial Jump han preparado ilustraciones conmemorativas por el decimo aniversario de One Piece y las han publicado en el especial One Piece Treasure Special. Se que no formo parte del grupo, pero si puedo desearle felicidades tambien.
¡Por otros diez años más!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

10 years... / 10 años... Desde el comienzo de un sueño

Han pasado diez años desde que Luffy dejo su pueblo, y todavía sigue igual.
Its been ten years since Luffy left his town, but he still looks the same.

¡Felicidades! Congratulations!
尾田栄一郎 (Oda sensei)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No vuelvas a casa con la cabeza baja

Ayer por la noche durante una visita al Pico Victoria y practicar mi mal japones probe la camara por la noche... y no es buena... se pone timida y parece que la camara esta estropeada, aqui esta la prueba:

Victoria's Peak after a very nice dinner

Pero la timidez se le fue de repente esta tarde al volver a casa. Quien me iba a decir que me iba a encontrar con estas vistas debajo de un pueste de la autopista...

Kowloon and Hong Kong Island from the famous Yau Gai

Cuando estoy contento sonriendo y miro hacia arriba parece que los edificios y arboles me responden con lo mismo.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Teléfonos ynd Phones

After a few months... finally I have something to talk about and that is my new mobile phone, with camera (3.2 mp, not too much but enough for the moment), mp3 player and an useless internet browser (because using it would be expensive).

I tried the camera from a boat going back to the office, don't ask why I was going to the office by boat.

Let you guess what it is important in that picture...

It is a bit pixelated because the zoom was at the maximum level. I'll try next time a normal picture.

At the same time, I want to show a mobile phone which I would love to have but it is not possible (it is not selling out of Japan), forget about iPhone shuffle and iPhone nano(random calls). Pick your color!

¡Usad Babelfish para traducir al español que estoy vago!