Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Want to practise your English vocabs? Do it helping!

Just try to see how many words you recognize on the following website.

For each word they give a 20 grains to someone... go on and read it on the website.


Praticad vuestro inglés ayudando a la gente. Por cada palabra que acertéis se donarán 20 granos de arroz.


LeDidole said...

er...OK...Are you hoping we will send you rice when you will be in the country of the Raising Sun ?

Anonymous said...

lo hice, pero no se, como que no lo veo yo muy útil....

AVE FÉNIX said...

Llevo 220 gramos...esto enganxa jeje. peero....mm no sé yo, eh¿? me suena a "por cada persona a que se lo reenvies...". eeen fin!

BeaBlanco said...

Ya ves que si engancha. 920gr jajaja

Shhhhh! said...

Once you pop, you can't stop!
When I tried I got addicted and couldn't stop until I got 3 kilos or so.

I hope you can send me rice for my trip! haha... keep doing it.

Me quede en los 3 kilos... no podia parar... pero termino la hora del trabajo asi que fin!

Anonymous said...

yo tampoco puedo parar...
para qué sirve exactamente esto?

LeDidole said...

are you still alive? or the rice diet killed you? I sent you an e-mail...

AVE FÉNIX said...

jajaja! una intoxicación a base de tanto arroz ha debido ser el motivo de tu desaparición xDDD

LeDidole said...

I tell you... too much rice... He cannot speak or write anymore! He is considering to enter a Sumo school soon !

Stephen.... Where are you ? Are you still alive?

Cherrry Coke said...

Y como veo a la gente comiendo los 200kilos que consegui?

Anonymous said...

200 kg? jajajajjaajajjaja