This kind of stuff is not my style, but it's impressive in a way to see how can be exposed on the streets like something normal.
Just a general picture, better don't go in details.
I wonder what's going on through the minds of the people while preparing this...
Last but not least, to compensate with art. An
illustration of my favourite
HK artist.
The illustrator is called
Stella So, everytime I see something I like in an exhibition it comes to be her art.
Well, we have discussed about it last Friday ! ( See, I come to check your blog ! )
And also, I think you will have more comments if you set up your comments to allowed anonymous people to be able to answer to the post. Right now, I can write a comment because I have a blogger account !
Sí, mejor que no nos des detalles...glups...pues a mi se me viene a la cabeza cuando vas a un restaurante chino xD y te ofrecen al final de la cena un chupito y al trarte la botella ves que dentro hay algo parecido a un lagarto y tienes que decir: mmm gracias, otro día tal vez xDDDD
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